December 17, 2024

Clasp Act

I've been working on this little clasp book, and I love it! At 3" x 4", it's a little smaller than the larger books I make, but I really like the way this size feels in my hand.

There are two seats available in the May 2-4 workshop. I will add another in the fall of 2025.

I'll be teaching it twice this spring and probably again in the fall, depending on interest. The March class is almost sold out with just one seat left. You can see the class description HERE.

The second time I'm offering it this spring will be in May, and you can access that description HERE. I am differentiating between the two classes by referring to the May class as Clasp Act II.

July 08, 2023

We Have Moved!

We loved living in Topsail Beach, but we found that we needed a little more space and a little less stress about storms. We are still in the Topsail area, but no longer on the island. We are in the process of transforming our garage into a climate-controlled studio and look forward to adding classes this fall. Please check back!

November 01, 2020

Wear Your Story - an online course


Everyone has a story. This one begins with a creme brûlée torch and a roll of solder. 

Join me for this technique-packed wearable book workshop. Using materials easily sourced at your local hardware and craft store, you will forge small relic-like book covers. You’ll learn various techniques for adding content to your book. Then, using a centuries-old technique, you’ll bind it all together into a tiny tome to hold your unique story. You won’t stop there though. Using your favorite beads and found objects, I will guide you through several methods of turning your book into a head-turning piece of jewelry you’ll be proud to wear.

The techniques you learn in this workshop will arm you to make books of all sizes. They include:

  • How to pool solder onto base metal and attach metal findings
  • How to add patina to metal
  • How to prepare a photo and add it to your book cover
  • Coptic bookbinding
  • The process of preparing paper to be bound into a book
  • Various jewelry techniques including wire wrapping and how to make hook fasteners from wire
You will have access to this course forever.

Sign up here!

September 02, 2020

Perpetual Journal


I've started a perpetual journal after a great workshop with botanical artist Lara Gastinger. I created the book using a piece of eco dyed leather and an etched brass plate with a quote by Rachel Carson: What if I had never seen this before? What if I knew I would never see it again?

The idea with the perpetual journal is that the artist will observe a plant or part of a plant in their surroundings and draw and/or paint it on a part of a spread for that week. In following years, more observations will be added until the book is full. 

August 08, 2020

Tell Your Immigrant Story


I'm working on a project with the Alameda County Library - Newark Branch - that I'm pretty excited about!

As a part of this project — "Tell My Immigrant Story" — immigrant families of Newark, California, who decide to participate, will receive fabric and everything else necessary to create a mini art quilt to display as a family heirloom. 

The library's group of volunteers will then make a large quilt consisting of replicated pieces of the small story quilts made by the community. They will display it in the new library building they will move into next spring.

I'll be working with the group, helping them to develop their story blocks, offering suggestions for ways they might "tell their story," with cloth and ephemera.

The project was funded by California Humanities.

January 22, 2020

September 26, 2019

A Thread Runs Through It

I am thrilled to be a part of this fiber art show that opens at WHQR's MC Erny Gallery in Wilmington, North Carolina, tomorrow night. The wide range of modern fiber work included in this show are a testament to traditions of historic stitching brought to current appreciation and acknowledgement. 


I come from a long line of women who draw with needle and thread. I learned traditional handwork from my grandmother as a child and have been building on those conventional roots ever since.

"Dorothy's Dilemma"

The stitched pieces I have hanging at WHQR are a form of visual storytelling - whimsy with a nod back toward my forebears.

"A Fungus Amongus"

The other work I hung in the show was inspired by forest flora and fungi. 

"Pulp Fungi"

I created sculptures that are both realistic and dreamy by manipulating hanji paper using the Korean tradition of joomchi -- agitating the paper for hours in a process similar to felting until the fibers bond together -- and then forming them into mushroom caps and leaves.

"From a Tiny Acorn"

My oak and acorn pieces were built on actual branches and acorn caps. The acorns were either felted or knitted. 


If you aren't able to make the opening tomorrow night, there will be a closing reception October 25 from 6 - 9 pm, and the show will remain up until November 8.