Clasp Act II a 3"x4" historically inspired soldered book class

  May 2-4, 2025 

  9-4:30 each day

  My Hampstead, NC, Home Studio


There are two seats available.

Medieval bookbinders used clasps to secure their books because the parchment they were written on tended to warp and buckle due to changes in temperature and humidity, making it necessary to have a mechanism to hold the book shut and protect the pages inside. We’re doing it just because it looks cool.

Workshop participants will design and craft a clasp and catch plate, shape a soldered set of book covers,  print pages using collected leaves, and bind the fruits of their efforts together into what is sure to become their own treasured tome.

All materials to complete the books will be provided and covered in the cost of the class.

!! You will be doing me and yourself a HUGE favor if you learn how to use a jeweler's saw before the workshop. You can do that HERE. 

TOOLS you'll need to bring

*safety glasses

basic jewelry-making tools will be needed including round nose, chain nose and flat nose pliers

hand files or needle files

*rawhide or nylon mallet

metal shears

jeweler’s saw and blades #1/0 or #2/0

beeswax or Burr Life (optional)

bench pin

*bench block 

*ring clamp

*bezel pusher, bezel rocker or burnisher if you plan to use a       stone for your focal point

*small cutting mat


*mechanical pencil


*paper awl

*bone folder

Xacto or Olfa knife

Japanese screw punch with 1.5mm bit


* I have some of these tools that I can share

If you have any questions, please email me at or call 610-952-0763.

The workshop will be held in my Hampstead, NC, home studio, just minutes away from Topsail Island, and its pristine beaches.

I am taking just 8 participants, so you'll have plenty of room and attention.

Lunch is included.

Accommodations are not included, but a list of nearby motels will be provided after registration.

Cancellation Policy
You will receive a 50% refund if you cancel before April 15, 2025. After that date, there will be no refunds; however, you can transfer your seat to a qualified participant, and if we have a waiting list, we will refund your tuition when the seat is sold. If we have to cancel the workshop for any reason, all payments will be refunded.

Payment Options
A deposit of $230 will hold your seat. Final payment of $235 must be received by April 15, 2025. Use the pulldown menu below to choose the best option for you.

There are two seats available.

Payment Options - drop down menu

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